Brenda Bryant
Nation Auxiliary Sr Vice President -

Brenda Bryant of Hawk Point, Missouri, was elected to the office of National Senior Vice-President of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) Auxiliary at its 110th National Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. She is now in the fifth of five offices leading to the National Presidency, which she is expected to hold in 2024-2025.

A 45-year-plus member of Humphrey-Schwerdt Auxiliary 2180 in Warrenton, Missouri, she has served the organization in many capacities including Auxiliary, District and Department President. On the National level she has served as National District Council Member, Big Ten Conference Chairman for the Membership and Safety Programs twice, National Appeals & Grievances and Bylaws Review & Resolutions Committees, Director of the Voice of Democracy Program and as National Historian.

She joined on the eligibility of her father, Herman Stuck, who served in the United States Army from 1950 to 1952 in Korea. She is married to Wayne Bryant, a retired Vietnam Navy veteran.

Brenda is a retired special education teacher where she worked with high school behavior disability and learning disability students. She refurbishes furniture for an antique store, has served several terms as Alderman on her City Board and is certified to perform weddings.

In her spare time Brenda enjoys crafting, bringing life back to old furniture, learning about the past and interacting with veterans. She is a Life Member of the VFW National Home and a member of Military Order of the Cootie Auxiliary (MOCA), the Fleet Reserve and the Daniel Boone Area Retired Teachers Program.

Brenda and husband Wayne’s family includes five adult children, 18 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren.